Tips and Tricks! Extrication Techniques

Weber Rescue Extrication Tips and TricksYesterday’s post with the Weber Rescue Spreader Tips and Trick was so popular today we added almost all the Tips and Tricks below.  Click the Tips and Tricks pdf file to download a book of the Tips and Tricks that contains many extrication techniques.  Techniques include Third Door, Dipping Cut, Roof Trench, and Roof Sectioning. All the techniques are explained with a few step by step pictures and texts.   Don’t forget to follow the BoronExtrication and Weber Rescue facebook Page 

Tips and Tricks Extrication

Tips and Tricks Extrication

Tips and Tricks Extrication Weber_Rescue_Vehcile_Extrication_Rescue_Tips_Roof_Trench Weber_Rescue_Vehcile_Extrication_Rescue_TipsWeber Rescue Dash Extrication Tips and Tricks Extrication weber_rescue_extrication_tipps_Tricks-pedal 

Extrication Tips and Tricks techniquesweber_rescue_extrication_tipps_Tricks

Extrication Tips and Tricks techniques

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