During my classroom portion of the train the trainer class in Ann Arbor, I talked about how useful the Internet and even Facebook is to the fire service, especially the extrication discipline! Take a look at the links below for some great extrication information!
- First Due Tackle by Paul Hasenmeier (Paul will be a great addition to the FireEMSBlogs.com network, make sure you like the First Due Tackle Facebook page)
- Rediscovering the Air Chisel by Les Baker (Why so many firefighters don’t use this tool—and what they should know about its many practical uses)
- Interior Ramming vs. Exterior Spreading by Les Baker (What the interior rescuer needs to know to conduct aggressive clearance tactics to displace the roof)
- Game Plan Your Extrications by Desmond Fulton (The IS-SAVED acronym offers an easy-to-remember plan for the extrication scene)
- Episode 274: X-Trication Radio by David Dalrymple (David Dalrymple hosts X-Trication Radio once a month on Fire Engineering’s Blog Talk Radio channel. Make sure you listen when you have the chance. All the previous episodes are available on Fire Engineering’s channel. You can even stream past episodes thru your car radio. I caught up on a couple of episodes I missed during my drive to FDIC. There’s no place that you cannot turn into a training place!)
- Moditech CRS screenshot on Facebook (Moditech posts a Crash Recovery System (CRS) screenshot and asks their Facebook page followers what they notice about the vehicle and the hazards, etc on the vehicle. )