First Look: MVA Boards

The accountability based MVA Boards were developed by Rescue Innovations and members of the Puyallup Extrication Team.  One of the minds behind the MVA Boards is a good friend of ours, Jeff Pugh, who is the Lead Instructor and President at Puyallup Extrication Team. The MVA Boards are available from Tactron one of the makers of the accountability systems many fire department currently use.

Three different MVA Boards were created as a useful tool to mitigate and manage any type of MVA emergency scene.  The 3 boards cover different aspects of a MVA emergency scene.

Made of durable metal material, the board includes edge protection material, a neck lanyard, a permanent marking pen and pen holder.

Your first response might be “I would not have the time on scene”  or “Every person on the rescue is put to work”.  The list of excuses of why these boards wouldn’t be used could be generated by the keyboard quarterbacks faster than Dave Statter posts the news.  However,  put on your “Training Officer” helmet and look at the potential.  The full review of the MVA Boards will focus largely on the benefits as a training tool.  For the Volunteer and Paid on Call rescuers, this could be beneficial for those who respond direct in a POV and arrive before the apparatus with tools and equipment.

MVA Command Board

MVA Command Board Vehicle ExtricationMVA Command Board Vehicle Extrication















MVA Extrication Leader Board

MVA Extrication Leader Board Vehicle Extrication

MVA Extrication Leader Board Vehicle Extrication















MVA Interior Stabilizer Board

MVA Interior Stabilizer Board Vehicle Extrication

MVA Interior Stabilizer Board Vehicle Extrication

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