Many times we are dispatched to a motor vehicle accident and start painting that mental picture in our mind about what the scene will look like. What will need to get done. What equipment do we need. Yesterday the Detroit Fire Department responded a tractor trailer loaded with a shipping container that flipped on its’ side and crushed a small vehicle. Based on the picture below, the passenger compartment is seriously crushed, the survivability of the occupants does not look possible, your mind starts shifting gears toward a recovery. Unfortunately, it was. All three occupants were killed.
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But what if their was an occupant with vitals signs and no obvious signs of death? Take the time to review this accident with your crew. Check out resources like First Due Tackle, Northern Ohio Fools Heavy Rescue, and T&R Rescue Solutions. In T&R Rescue Solutions teaches a scenario just like the accident in Detroit during their annual covered at a Heavy Metal training program. Read an extrication book or magazine articles. Ask yourself what would you do? What additional resources will you need? Every news story can be a teaching moment. Every accident is different, learn from everything!