Product Review: ResQMe Tool

I was contacted by the fine folks behind the resqme tool to write up a product review.  I gladly accepted and they sent me a few tools to review.  Only one problem, I already have several resqme tools that I have used for years.  So I handed out the tools during the Firefighter Turnout Party at FDIC and to firefighters I know.

resqme-extrication-glassFirst off, the small size of the tool is one of the biggest assets.  It fits easily onto a swivel snap hook which I keep on my radio strap.  This makes it easy to use and keeps it readily accessible.  This method eliminates digging thru pockets trying to find the tool you are looking for.

The second part of the tool is the sharp seatbelt cutter.  Often, seatbelts get in the way of removing a b-pillar or with almost any seatbelt cutter. Hold the seatbelt taut and diagonally pull the resqme toward you.  Trying to cut the seatbelt straight across will be tougher and possible unsuccessful.

No product review would be complete without offering up ideas or proposals that would strengthen the tools use.  Making a version with a glow in the dark or illuminating property like MN8 Firefox would make the tool easy to spot and find if dropped on an accident scene.

Finally, the tool is patented, tested, certified and Made In the USA. Most fire service related companies understand the importance of making quality products in the USA and firefighters appreciate it.  So the bottom line, every firefighter should carry a resqme tool while on shift and off-duty.

For more information on the resqme please visit their website at

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